September is upon us and we cannot wait for all the content chock full of changing
leaves and cooler weather! At Pets on Q we have been very lucky and stayed busy as the world has tried to get back to normal and everyone has gone back to school and work. We love to see the content you create, so please keep tagging us!

September is National Service Dog Month and we think service dogs should get ALL the praise (and all the treats)! According to American Humane, service dogs are specially trained to perform specific tasks for people with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. They can be trained to retrieve objects, assist with balance, give seizure or diabetic alerts, or assist those with psychiatric disabilities. They also serve our nation’s wounded warriors suffering from conditions including Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury. Service dogs provide companionship while inspiring confidence and they live to serve and assist their handlers. With the help of a service dog, humans can better manage disabilities and live fuller lives. Be sure to post about any service dogs in your life in September, and please tag @PetsonQ for your chance to be featured on our page!

September is also super-exciting at Pets on Q for another reason – September 19 th – 25 th is Deaf Pet Awareness Week! Our own PoQ resident dog in charge, mascot if you will, CHARLIE @deafdal is totally deaf (obviously, lol) and totally AMAZING! Charlie is a continued source of love, laughter, fun and inspiration for all who know him. He doesn’t let being deaf hold him back in any way. Pets on Q is really here BECAUSE of Charlie, to be honest, he is the reason everything started and he is where Colleen continues to draw her energy and passion from. Charlie was a certified therapy dog, is a trained set-dog, gorgeous canine model and creator of shenanigans and lots of doggy kisses. THANK YOU, for being you, Charles, you are truly one in a million!
There are lots of other amazing holidays in September including Ginger Cat Appreciation Day, National Cheeseburger Day and World Rhino Day, to name a few. Use our holiday guide as inspiration for your content planning and tag us when you post so we can see all the incredible content you come up with!